Hometown Realty Pros, LLC

731 N. 2nd Street, Suite C
Albemarle, NC 28001

(980) 581-1399

4766 NC 24/27 Hwy, Mount Gilead, NC 27306

$ 95,000


Welcome to 4766NC2427Hwy.IsForSale.com

Property Info
MLS #:4184388
Price:$ 95,000
Lot Size:63,598 ft² (1.46 acres)
1.46 acres of Commercial property on Hwy 24/27 with a traffic county of approximately 10, 000 per day. This property already has a septic system in place from the previous Building that was located on the property. Buyer would be responsible for verifying its condition.
General Information
Mortgage Calculator
Down Payment:
Terms (in Years):
Monthly Payment:
Payment Estimator

*Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

**Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

Local Schools

School NameTypeDistanceGreatSchools Rating
1813 East Main Street, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-3500
6.4 mi
map link
400 South Main Street, Norwood NC 28128
(704) 961-4000
6.5 mi
map link
1811 Badin Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-3400
6.5 mi
map link
129 NC Hwy 109S, Mount Gilead NC 27306
(910) 572-9378
7 mi
map link
1210 Freeman Avenue, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 983-6610
7 mi
47 Henderson Street, Badin NC 28009
(704) 961-3900
7.1 mi
map link
12492 Cottonville Road, Norwood NC 28128
(704) 961-3081
7.1 mi
map link
12492 Cottonville Road, Norwood NC 28128
(704) 961-5700
7.1 mi
map link
100 South School Street, Mount Gilead NC 27306
(910) 439-5411
7.4 mi
map link
40488 South Stanly School Road, Norwood NC 28128
(704) 961-4100
7.5 mi
map link
PO BOX 816, Norwood NC 28128
(704) 680-7944
7.6 mi
206 North 3rd Street, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-3200
7.9 mi
map link
395 Park Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 982-6972
8.2 mi
312 Park Ridge Road, Albemarle NC 28001
8.2 mi
311 Park Ridge Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-4900
8.3 mi
map link
311 Park Ridge Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-4200
8.3 mi
map link
311 Park Ridge Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-4500
8.3 mi
map link
1084 Carolina Avenue, Albemarle NC 28001
8.7 mi
37743 Barnhardt Road, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 982-2691
9.2 mi
141 College Drive, Albemarle NC 28001
(704) 961-4400
9.7 mi
map link

Data provided by GreatSchools.org ©2023. All rights reserved.

About Me

My name is Amanda Cody and I have over 19 years’ experience as a real estate broker and previous real estate paralegal. My focus is on serving the real estate needs of home buyers and sellers in Stanly County and its surrounding areas. I became a REALTOR® in 2004 because I loved the thought of helping people achieve their goal of finding the perfect home or piece of property. Real estate isn’t just a job to me it is a passion. I enjoy spending my free time with my husband, our two children, as well as our family and friends.

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